These are some of the graphs we did as a class giving students a large graph with all of their involvement which allowed students to become invested in the lesson. I planned for each of the graphs we learned to build on the skill of creating and understanding bar and picture graphs, so the eye graph especially is designed to take aspects of both. We did several graph worksheets before we created these class graphs, which I found to be most useful for students as it helped them understand what each picture actually symbolized i.e. one person.

To finish up our unit on bar graphs and pictographs we had an assessment; this assessment involved a self assessment as well as an assessment by me which compared the two. I used the favourite weather and favourite activities page asking students which options had more or less as well as what the graph was about. As students were still in grade 1 I read the title as well as the options before allowing students to tell me what they noticed about the graphs. I found this assessment was great for comparing what level the students were at as well as what level they were at after I assessed them myself.