Formative Practicum – Grade 1

Growth Mindset Introduction

I have created several lessons based on health education within my day plans during my formative practicum. Here are several of them from within my day plans.

Growth Mindset Week 2

Theme of the week:

I am important                 I believe in myself

TITLE OF THE STORY: The Best You by Jason Tharp

Link to the Big Idea(s): Good health comprises physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


  • Do a deep breathing exercise and yoga YouTube:
  • Relate good physical health that you enjoy to taking a mindful moment to think about the good things about yourself. Strategy 1 for feeling good about myself.
  • Read a book “The Best You” by Jason Tharp
  • How does this book relate to good physical health? How can taking a moment to think about what I’m good at help me?
  • Hearts full of greatness; art is another strategy students can use to express themselves and take a moment to be mindful. **Might not get to this during this class.

Learning Intentions / Criteria:

  • Participation in the mindfulness activity to the best of their ability
  • Active listening while reading the story
  • Participate to the best of their abilities in all areas.

Growth Mindset Week 3

Theme of the week – I am kind to myself and others

TITLE OF THE STORY: Pass it On by Sophy Henn

Learning Intention / Link to the Big Idea(s):

Learning about ourselves and others helps us develop a positive attitude and caring behaviours, which helps us build healthy relationships.

Student Task:

  • Listen to the story while it is being read engaging with it as we go through
  • After reading students will stand in a circle on the carpet.
  • First we will pass around a paper heart which students will be folding each time. The intent of this is that the folds are each a time something unkind has been said; at the end of the passing try to smooth the heart. Recognize that each fold is still visible even after flattening which is why it is so important to use our words wisely because those folds will not just disappear.
  • We will be playing Kindness ball where students will pass the ball around. The passer will say something kind or something they like about the catcher before passing it over.
  • We will have at least 2 rounds of this before MAYBE playing a game of silent ball
  • Teacher will also be asking questions throughout; why is it important that we say kind things to each other?


  • Be engaged with the story portion

Participation in playing Kindness Ball

Theme of the week – I am beautiful inside and out

TITLE OF THE STORY: Beautifully Me by Nabela Noor

Learning Intention / Link to the Big Idea(s): People come in different shapes and sizes, but we all have the same feelings inside!

Lesson Content: Body image is part of self-esteem. It is how you feel about how you look. Body image also includes how you think others see you. Having a positive body image means that you: feel comfortable in your body and with the way you look, feel good about the things your body can do, feel empowered to take good care of your physical health

  • This is a serious lesson which needs to be emphasized I want the students to really reflect on this story.
  • I will be showing a map at the beginning of this lesson showing where this stories culture come from.
  • At the end of the reading we will sit together in a talking circle and share our first thoughts about the story before sharing our favourite parts about ourselves.
  • Students will then draw a picture of themselves with their favourite features on blank paper

How to feel awesome about being you:

Student Task: Identify the parts of the story that show positive and negative body image, and engage with the story

Growth Mindset Week 4

Theme of the week: I believe in myself

TITLE OF THE STORY– The Magical Yet by Angela DiTerlizzi

Learning Intention / Link to the Big Idea(s):

Learning about ourselves and others helps us develop a positive attitude and caring behaviours, which helps us build healthy relationships.

Specific Content of the Lesson:

  • We will be reading The Magical Yet where students will be engaging with the story along with the theme of believing in themselves
  • Each student will have the chance to share what they are not good at YET
  • Students will then be creating their own Yet’s